— Paul Panacheese —

The third feather

Paul Panacheese lived with his mother Maryanne in a rented home in Thunder Bay while he studied at DFC. They were almost 500 kilometres south of their home in Mishkeegogamang First Nation, which was surrounded by large freshwater lakes and streams whose water was rendered undrinkable due to pollution (157). Maryanne had moved over after Paul, who was years behind due to his substandard education history and alone in a crowded boarding house, complained about the racism that he experienced every day---racial slurs, eggs thrown from cars (166).

Unlike Jethro and Curran before him, Paul made it back home the night he died, on Friday, November 10, 2006. Maryanne was upstairs when she heard him suddenly collapse. By the time she got to him, he had no pulse. Paul had not been drunk (170).

An autopsy performed the following day concluded that there was no "anatomical and no toxicological cause of death", and the case was closed, with no follow-up. To this day, Maryanne Panacheese does not know why her son died that night (172).

Continue to learn about Robyn Harper, the fourth feather

Created by Janet Chen, Josephine Davey-Young, Ryan Li, Emily Shen, Sarvesh Sivakumar, Saranya Varakunan, and Ryan Yan 
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