— Curran Strang —

The second feather

In the weeks leading up to his disappearance, 18-year-old Curran Strang was in free-fall. Curran was from Pikangikum First Nation, where 23.5% of Ontario's Indigenous suicides occurred (134). He struggled in school; isolated from friends and family, Curran felt the constant need to party and get drunk. He was last seen by his friend James Benson on Thursday, September 22, 2005, when Curran asked him for money to buy some alcohol. Curran didn't return to his boarding home that night (151).

There were three errors on the missing persons report that the NNEC filed the following day: the date, and the statements that Curran was a "runaway" that lived in a "foster home". The Thunder Bay Police only started work on his case two days after the filing of the report. 

Curran's body was found in the McIntyre River 4 days after his disappearance. Like with Jethro's case, his death was listed as accidental, with drowning as the cause (153).

Continue to learn about Paul Panacheese, the third feather

Created by Janet Chen, Josephine Davey-Young, Ryan Li, Emily Shen, Sarvesh Sivakumar, Saranya Varakunan, and Ryan Yan 
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